The Mystic Cosmos
by Evgueny Faidysh


s h a l a g r a m "Shalagram"


Evgueny Faydysh, Andrey Gostev

Conception and working principles
of the Virtual Oracle

Evgueny Faydysh, Alexey Ivanov


What is Techno-Feng-Shui

We enter the new millennium surrounded by various mechanisms and machines. This technosphere creates an illusion that the ancient esoteric knowledge is useless and archaic for the new wonderful society of high technologies and consuming. However realities of our life show that it is wrong. Highly developed countries face such problem as strong degradation of human personality which becomes similar to robots, manipulated by mass media and advertising. People experience a crisis of their personality and feel constant emotional discomfort. Hence drug addiction, growth of violence and suicides. The situation with the health is also unfavourable. In spite of impressive achievements in medicine people become weaker and weaker. Their vitality comes down.

what to do?